Nintendo 64 emulators
Nintendo 64 emulators News
Hi I am balmukunda and i will be having nintendo 64 emulators and hint pages

For those of you who have been wondering about the status of the excellent N64 emulator Nemu64, Einstein II has posted a nice status update on the site:
During the last months I got tons of emails where people were asking " Nemu dead ?" and " can I get the sound working ?". Okay, first - the sound for commecial games isn't working in the 0.6 version and second - no we are not dead :-) (...has anyone really believed this ?!). Lemmy is working very hard on the new version and is currently rewriting the core which takes some time so please be patient. But to sweeten your time until the next release comes out (don't ask us when !!!) we have some screenshots from the current alpha for you. We can't promise you that these games will still run in the next public release but we are very confident. At the moment we lost some compatiblity but the new core is very FAST!
He also posted some a screenshot from each of these games: Aerogauge, ArmyMen Sarge's Heroes, Duke Nukem Zero Hour, NBA In The Zone 2, Virtual Chess, Allstar Tennis '99, Asteroids Hyper, Mission Impossible, Superman, Win Back, and Xena - Warrior Princess. Take a careful look at the changes made to the GUI as well, a couple new features have crept in :)

Keep up the excellent work guys!

12/20/99 by Zach Dexanoid Released!
I made a big post on EmuHQ about Dexanoid, a freeware N64 game recently released by Protest Design. Check out the post right here and feel free to make your comments on it!

12/20/99 by Zach UltraINI Files
UltraINI files are being released like crazy! UltraHLE was released nearly a year ago, but Automobili Lamborghini (Z64 dump only!) and Banjo-Kazooie were just made fully playable in recent INI releases.

Head on over to Jandaman's UltraHLE page to catch up on the latest releases!

12/18/99 by Zach Nemu Joystick Problems
Having problems using your joystick or other DirectInput device in Nemu64? Get the recently released DirectX 7.0a and all will be fixed :)

Download DirectX 7.0a English here! [6668k]

Thanks to hWnd for the news!

12/17/99 by Zach UltraHLE Status
RealityMan posted this on the UltraHLE message board:
I know many of you want regular news updates on the progress of UltraHLE, whats happening, when its going to be released etc. First, the reason why there are so few, ok NO, news updates is that I have changed my stance on the news. When I was updating I had so much negative feedback that I just got to the point where I decided that I would privatly develop HLE 1.1 and release as and when I was ready. As far as a release is concerned, I have heard the rumours of a Christmas release or a release on the 1st aniversary of HLE 1.0's release but I can tell you now that this will not happen. I am spending my development time up to the new year currently on Jagulator and will not be resuming development of HLE till mid January time. At that point I will review the project and look at the targets and whats left to be finalised. Hope that clears a couple of things up...
Our comments thread has gone absolutely wild with this, feel free to drop in and give your opinion.

12/12/99 by Zach 1964 v0.3.2 Released
The last release of 1964 in 1999 features a highly optimized FPU which could, with further optimizations, get up to Corn speeds. There are also general fixes and speed enhancements. Be prepared in 2000...

Download 1964 v0.3.2 at the 1964 homepage!

12/10/99 by Zach Pagan v0.1.4 Released!
Scav has added fully functional controller plugin support and a plugin SDK system that let's you create your own controller plugins! Later on graphic and audio plugins will also be available.

Download Pagan v0.1.4 at the Pagan homepage!

12/2/99 by Zach Corn News
ContraSF, the author of the incredibly fast Corn, sends word that he'll be unable to continue working as much as he previously has on the emulator. A friend of his will be helping out with the project and has managed to improve the core and add a few new features. Here's what the latest update on the Corn site says:
My email was misunderstood. I said I tried to quit, but because of my friend's persuasion, I will still work on Corn. Currently only he is coding since I am very busy, I will do some coding when I have time, say, this winter break.

Zelda64 and some other games have self-modifying code, which is the killer of static rec.

Winter is coming up fast... Will we see a Y2K release?

12/2/99 by Zach New N64 Emulator
EmuForce has posted screenshots of a new N64 emulator that's still in development, but looks pretty promising! Here's what [D]J had to say:
Trust me, this emu is gonna be one of the best N64 emulator when it will be released to the public. The emulation is already pretty complete and the emu has sound (yes in commercial games too), a great compatibility (it runs at the moment about the same games that Nemu64 can run plus a few more) and a good speed on the most games. Some games are still a bit buggy and slow (Zelda64 is one of them) and that's why the authors are currently rewriting the main core of the emulator to get a BIG speed improvements (one of the authors told me that, according to the first tests, the new core could be as fast as the one in Corn, that super-fast N64 emulator).

There is no release date as of yet because the authors are VERY busy with other things at the moment and then the new core needs time to be finished. However I can assure you that this emulator is TRUE and is not a fake or anything (all I can say is that the authors are known in the "emulation scene" for other popular emulators other than this one). Below I posted some screenshots of the emulator running Zelda64 (I had to edit the screenshots to remove the name of the emulator, sorry the authors asked me to do so).
Unfortunately, it will be a while before we see this emulator, but it will be well worth the wait. Trust me :)

Head on over to EmuForce and check out those shots!

11/22/99 by Zach Pagan Releases
Scav, the author of Pagan, an N64 emulator, has decided to continue coding! He has released three new versions since coming back, and each one is better and better. Pagan now has perfect controller support, which means you can play Pong and ManicMiner 64 without any problems at all. We're not joking, Pagan perfectly emulates the N64 controller. There are no problems at all! And we all know its just a matter of time before commercial games begin to run on Pagan... Unfortunately, there isn't any sound support in this latest release, 0.1.1, but look for it soon!

11/4/99 by Zach Nemu64 v0.7 Preview
I spent quite a bit of time working on some Nemu64 screenshots for you all, and I had initially planned for this to just be a post right on EmuHQ's front page, but it got too massive :) Head on over to this page for seven screenshots from 4 different games running on an unreleased build of Nemu64, one of the most promising N64 emulators available. Of course, you have to have substance to back up flash, so I've got plenty of info on the next version too :) Enjoy it!

Be sure to read the last few lines if you'd like more information...

11/2/99 by Zach Mac1964 v0.3.0
Version 0.3.0 of Mac1964 has been released! This is a huge release! Gerrit has taken Mac1964 and made it faster and more compatible.
This version has diverged a bit from the original 1964 project -- while schibo did some great work on dynamic recompiling code for 1964, there was no easy way I could port it to the mac. So I sat down, spent some quality time coding and took mac1964 in a somewhat different direction...

Based on a technique that's "not entirely unlike dynamic recompilation", the new core is several times faster with higher compatibility to boot. :)

But wait -- there's more!

Faster video, fullscreen mode, and several new debugging options are just a few new features that no one will notice once they see the spiffy new graphics produced by the new (and VERY rough) RCP implementation.
Download Mac1964 0.3.0 here! [192kb]

To check out some very cool screenshots of Mac1964 in action, head on over to its homepage!

11/1/99 by Zach N64 VM Beta 2
As promised, Lionel has released beta 2 of his N64 emulator N64 VM. This release plays several commercial games, including Mario64, Waverace, Mission Impossible, and Starfox64. Snag it at the download page to your left!
Ultrahle glide wrappers
Wrapper Name Video Cards Description Date Last Updated Size
XGL200 .04A Matrox G200
ATI Rage Pro
SiS 6326 AGP
Riva TNT and 128
Matrox MGA SD200
Savage 3D
Asus TNT
STB Velocity 128
GeForce XGL200 v.04A is completely independent of the 3dfx Glide SDK and totally legal. Here's what's new in 0.4:

-Reworked frame buffer write back-end
-Much more robust, and lots of bug fixes. Not perfect, but it's getting close.
-Reworked texture load engine
-Much cleaner code, and somewhat faster. Nearly complete (and easily extended) texture format emulation.
-Partial paletted texture emulation As a result of reworking the texture engine, I was able to add paletted texture support for TNT owners. Right now, it's only partial support, but it does work on Outlaws. More support will come later.
-More game compatibility I fixed a lot of the games that broke in version 0.03, so try your games again if they were broken before.
-Massive bug fixes The big one was fixing the crash-on-exit bug that many people were having (including me). There are a ton of other bug-fixes too, so if you had problems before, you might want to try this version.
-More video card compatibility I was able to add more emulation modes for different cards, so if you had problems before, try this version. Don't worry if your card isn't on the configurator list, selecting the default will work just fine.

The XGL200 is one of the most frequently updated wrappers, with each version improving on the previous ones. Performance is optimum for Matrox users, however, with some of the later releases more and more cards have become compatible with it. For all you Matrox G200 users out there: The wrapper for your card is here. Transparency problems gone, texture problems gone, speed increases in, and beautiful graphics in. This latest version includes a useful and helpful configuration setup program with a FPS counter, plus it supports more Glide based PC games like MadTrax, Croc, Outlaws, and NBA Live 98! Recommended for G200 users, this latest wrapper is said to be close to perfection, so download it now! This wrapper is great and is currently my "wrapper of choice". Source code is included with every release. 7.6.99 121k
OpenGlide TNT
G400 Made by Fabio Barros. OpenGlide has been around for a bit, but is only occasionally updated these days. Here's what's new in version 0.04:
-Lots of OpenGL extensions implemented
-Fog implemented if you have FogCoordEXT
-Some minor bugs fixed
-Should work on more games

I'd suggest using OpenGlide if Scott Cutler's XGL200 doesn't work too well, or if you'd like to use your OpenGL card on PC games that XGL200 doesn't currently support. 12.21.99 74kb
MGlide 1.246G ATI Rage Pro
SiS 6326 AGP MGlide, by Sebastien Chemin, and XGL200 by Scott Cutler, are the only updated Glide Wrappers, with the exception of Creative Lab's Unified wrapper. Sebastien just released version 1.246G of his MGlide wrapper, which still lags behind XGL200 in UltraHLE support, but boasts compatibility with several PC Glide based games. This latest version fixes numerous bugs and is supported by more D3D video cards. 5.31.99 180k
Clide v2.4 Riva TNT
Diamond Stealth FireGL Pro100
ATI Rage Pro
Viper V550
Asus TNT
STB Velocity 4400 The latest wrapper, developed specifically for UltraHLE. This wrapper is reported to be the fastest yet, though it failed to work on my ATI Rage Pro. Also, its said to have virtually no sound skipping! Of all the wrappers, Clide has the smallest glide2x.dll! The file also includes a great setup program, here's a pic. 4.5.99 23.5k
Visit this site to obtain GL2IDE Rev C STB Velocity 4400
Riva 128
ATI Rage Pro
STB nVidia
Creative Labs TNT
SiS 6326 AGP
Viper 550
Hercules Thriller
Rendition V2200
Riva 128
STB Velocity 128 Updates to Revision C include: a fix for the GoldenEye problem, removed some flahing error message/system stats, and added some general impovements to style and speed. This is a great wrapper and currently is the best thing for a large number of video cards. Many people are using this one right now(except me) and they seem to be pretty content with it. However, there are minor glitches like some problems with transparencies but overall this is the one of the best wrappers right now. It has improved image quality and the sound does not skip quite so often. 3.9.99 75k
XGlide .1.4a
Visit this site to obtain XGlide .1.4a ATI Rage Pro
Riva 128
Savage 3d
SiS 6326 AGP The latest, and probably last addition to the XGlide series is XGlide .1.4a. Unfortunately for the community, Helder is moving into other avenues of work. Still, XGlide is one of the best wrappers available! Get it today! I haven't had a chance to test this latest release, so let me know how it works! 3.20.99 47k
Visit this site to obtain GL2IDE Rev A3
Same as GL2ide Rev C (?)

This is very similar to GL2ide Rev B2, however, there are a few minor differences, so some people use B2 while others use A2. Its up to you to decide! 3.10.99 137k
GlideGL64 .1B Diamond Viper V330
Riva 128 cards This wrapper was developed specifically for UltraHLE, but the author had to quit the project because of school. The source code is included with the file. I haven't had a chance to try this one out yet, let me know if you have. 2.24.99 132k
MUGLide Matrox
Permedia 2 A wrapper developed with the Matrox cards more in mind. Runs great on the Matrox cards but the game speed is extremely slow. Looking for great eye candy on a Matrox? Get this one but be warned, many users have found it very slow. ??? 100k
GliD3D v0.24
Visit this site to obtain GliD3D v0.24 ATI Rage Pro
SiS 6326 AGP One of the original wrappers that started this snowball. This worked good on my ATI but I use XGlide now. I know there were other video cards as well, I just can't remember them. Send them in! ??? 318k

if u want to download any off these email me at [email protected]
Glide wrappers
You could download the best wrappers this is coming soon. Happy :) and by the way thanx for visting my site I am happy:)

If you want to download any of these files plz email me at [email protected] or [email protected]
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